Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Just some Pictures of the Furkids Enjoying the Outdoors.


My personal picture, no barrowing/sharing. 
My Brownie, he likes to just sit on the porch sometimes and listen to everything! 
He can't see it anymore, but enjoys it all the same! :) 

My personal picture no barrowing/copying/sharing allowed
Going outside isnt much of an interest of Charlie's unless it to use the bathroom,
she's more of a couch potatoe. We're working on her just sitting and relaxing when we go out just to go. This is pretty much as relaxed as she gets. Lol. She was watching the dogs across the street running back and forth. She knows that's not allowed, she only goes outside when she has a leash on.. ( for her, or Brownie. My dogs arent hoodlums. haha ). 


Although, Brownies never had/been made to wear a collar or leash. I just trusted him. He only left our yard once and that was the day after we got him.. he ran across the street ( the people that gave me him live there ) to go play with his cat. 

He was trained without a leash. ( I know, I know.. dangers.. and what not. I train mine how it works for them and you train yours how you want. ). 

Charlie on the other hand.. goes crazy when let of the leash. She wants to see and smell everything. And run. She loves running. So I have to make sure the gates to our yard are shut when I let her off the leash. Everytime, that dang cat makes an apperance when I do. Charlie hates cats, like a very very strong hate. Which is weird. When she was a puppy and I took her to petsmart she always loved to play with the kittens threw the glass. 

Anyhow. Oh, Notice the harness Charlie's wearing. That was one of her Christmas gift. Great harness. I picked it because it didnt have that chest strap.. she has a deep chest and the regular harneses never work.. they move or fall low on her shoulders and bothers her and she ends up chewing it off! This ones awesome, and a lot more comfortable then others we've tried. It's also lasted a lot longer then them too! ( like a month longer  - lol, she chews them usually within the same day or next ). 

So, Charlie's birthdays passed.. it was the 11th, she turned 4. She had a good one. Spent the whole day lounging around watching movies and she got to eat hotdogs!! Great day! :) 

Brownies if Feb 16th. He's going to be 10. 

Alright. Well, time to go spend some .. time with my furkids. Have a nice day!! :)


1 comment:

  1. What a fab-YOU-lous opportunity to serve you while on earth; I'd also looove to write many novels with you Upstairs! Just a savvy lil' witty ditty on why we ROTE our 22 blogs:

    Faith, hope, and love -
    the greatest of these is love:
    jump into faith...
    and you'll see with love.
    Doesn’t matter if you don’t believe
    (what I write);
    God believes in you.
    God. Bless. You.
