Happy Halloween guys!! :) I hope everyone had fun tonight and got lots of goodies!
Here we stayed home and passed out candy, to what little tricker treaters showed up. I don't know what's happening to Halloween these days, but very few kids come around. It's rather dissapointing! Anyway, I still tried to make it fun for Brownie and Charlie, they both love dressing up/ putting clothes on. First, I wanna show ya'll what they dressed as this year!
Brownie, was a Turtle this year. I've been thinking all year about costumes.. I know, all year it should be more creative, well, Im a procrastinator. I couldn't decide between a Turtle.. or a Ninja Turtle. So, I actually ordered this last week, from Petsmart. They have a pretty nice selection, I think next year I'll take him with me and pick on out instead of ordering. He liked wearing it, but it was a little short. And he didnt even wear it while we were passing out candy.. kids showed up a lot earlier then usual. Oh well, I plan on altering it so he can be a turtle whenever he wants! Ha.
Charlie, this is a super late, pulled out thin are costume. I had no idea until a couple days
ago what Charlie was going to be. She wouldnt of had a costume unless I was stuck walking around the store while ly mom shopped. Lordy. We walked around the store and passed these wings like 5 times before I remembered she had a red and white tutu I'd made earlier this year at home.. So, I got the wings and antena headband ( they came together ) and when I got home I searched for that black tulle I know I bought.. - I need to organize my craft stuff better - anyhow and this is what came out. Not to shabby huh? :)
My lady bug and turtle! They were dressed all day, Charlie kept getting in my face so I'd look at
her. She like being called pretty when shes dressed. - Sigh - HA.
So, me and Brownie passed out candy and Charlie played, shes not as social as Brownie, he loves kids! Then they got a candy each ( NO chocolate ). They gotta eat some chicken soup I made for dinner and then the night was over. Brownie's pooped out, once we shut the light out and put the candy away he crashed in his chair and slept. Charlie's sleeping too!
It was a good night for them.
Happy Halloween from us! :)
and Goodnight ya'll!